"The teaching of one virtuous person can influence many; that which has been learned well by one generation can be passed on to a hundred." - Kano Jigoro

About Our Senseis 先生

Toshi Shinmura
Rokudan (6th degree black belt)
Over 50 years experience in the sport
Regina Sports Hall of Fame Inductee-builder category
Acknowledged with Award for Long Term Dedication to Judo in Saskatchewan.
NCCP Certified Dojo Instructor
Earned his black belt in Japan
His ability to recognize athletic potential in young athletes and help them achieve their goals is unmatched in Saskatchewan, producing numerous national medalists & champions!
Learn more about Shinmura Sensei

Head Coach/Technical Director
Kim Bergey Kaip
Rokudan (6th degree black belt)
First & only female 6th degree black belt in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame Inductee-athlete category
Regina Sports Hall of Fame Inductee-athlete category
NCCP Judo Competition Development
NCCP Wrestling Competition Development
NCCP Competition Intro Weightlifting - in training
Judo Canada Certified Self-Defense Instructor
45 years Judo experience (athlete, club coach, provincial HP coach, referee, judge)
IJF (International) Certified Kata Judge
National Certified Judo Referee
Judo Canada Kata Committee member

Associate Head Coach/Technical Director
Lorna Snider
Yondan (4th Degree Black Belt)
NCCP Certified Dojo Instructor
National Certified Judo Referee & Judo Judge
Judo Sask Referee Committee member
2-time national champion

Competitive & Kata Coach
Dan Ko
Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)
NCCP Certified Dojo Instructor
National Certified Judo Referee
Hapkido 1st Degree Black Belt
NCCP Competition Intro Weightlifting - in training

FUNdamentals Coach
Andrew MacLeod
Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)
NCCP Certified Dojo Instructor
National Certified Kata Judge
Provincial Certified Referee

Pre-Comp & Competitive Coach
Justin Yuen
Shodan (1st degree black belt)
NCCP Certified Dojo Instructor
Coached with Police Judo Club in BC, teaching current and future law enforcement
Extensive competitive background at provincial & national level

Pre-Comp & Competitive Coach
Russ Burton
Shodan (1st degree black belt)
● NCCP Dojo Instructor - Trained
● Certified Provincial Referee

Judokats Weightlifting & Recreational Judo Coach
Ryan Durning
Shodan (1st degree black belt)
NCCP Certified Dojo Assistant
NCCP Dojo Instructor - Trained
Certified NCCP Competition Intro Weightlifting
NCCP WL Comp Development-trained
SWA Technical Official 4
Tae-Kwon Do 1st Degree Black Belt
Heritage Judo Coach
Keon Burnett
Shodan (1st degree black belt)
NCCP Dojo Instructor-Trained
NCCP Level 1 Gymnastics (Adventures Gym coach)
Provincial B Certified Referee
Judo Sask Participation & Development Committee member
Extensive competitive background at provincial & national level, including National silver medal

Recreational Judo & Judokats Weightlifting Coach
Adam MacDonald
Shodan (1st degree black belt)
NCCP Certified Dojo Assistant
NCCP Dojo Instructor - Trained
NCCP Competition Intro Weightlifting - in training
Piapot Judo Coach
Janna Pratt
Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
First First Nation woman to attain a black belt in judo
NCCP Certified Dojo Assistant
Thought Patterns for High Performance certification
Indigenous activist that created Janna’s Law – a law in SK that enhances indigenous communities
2022 Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee Medal recipient
Indigenous women in leadership certification from Coady Institute

Judo Sask Rep/Coach
April Korchinski
Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
● NCCP Dojo Instructor- Trained
● Certified National Kata Judge
● Judo Saskatchewan Board of Director

Recreational Coach
Don Wilson
Ikkyu (Brown Belt)
● NCCP Community Coach - in training
● Hapikdo 5th Degree Black Belt
● Provincial Certified Referee

Junior Coach
Cyrus Kaip
Ikkyu (Brown Belt)
NCCP Dojo Assistant- in training
National Certified Judo Referee
Junior Coach
Sahara Kaip
Ikkyu (Brown Belt)
NCCP Dojo Assistant- in training
National Certified Judo Referee

Judokats Weighlifting Coach
Tracy Lucas
NCCP Competition Intro Weightlifting - in training
SWA Technical Official 4